Spring Appeal

We are excited to highlight the Pet Therapy program at Glens Falls Hospital as part of our Spring campaign! Pet Therapy Handlers are Adult Volunteers who have a certified therapy dog through an insured organization recognized by the American Kennel Club. (i.e. Therapy Dogs International) Together our staff and volunteers care for friends and neighbors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year across 5 counties and in more than 6,000 square miles, with primary care, specialty care, emergency and urgent care, rehabilitation and wellness services. We take our role as the community’s safety net seriously, always prepared to provide the care you need when you need it most. The pet therapy program at Glens Falls Hospital is just one example of how Glens Falls Hospital cares for the whole person. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram to learn about our therapy dogs Charlie, Beatrix, Otter, Cooper, and their experiences with their handlers and patients! Your gift today is deeply appreciated. Text ‘give2gfh’ to 501-55 or click here to donate.

Elizabeth Strader and Beatrix have been volunteering at GFH since early 2023, doing Friday morning rounds at the pharmacy, registration, the Infusion Center, and staff offices.  There are plenty of people who look forward to Beatrix’s smiles and kisses.  She absolutely loves everyone and she brings great joy to so many.  There are several patients in the infusion center who get so excited to see her and if we have to miss a week, they miss us!  We make sure that we are on time each week so those patients have time to spend with Beatrix.  Beatrix particularly loves Security, the Print Shop, Medical Records and the Emergency Department.  On a recent visit to the ED, one of the nurses facilitated a visit with a teenage patient, both the patient and her mother thanked Elizabeth and Beatrix profusely, smiling throughout their visit.  The pet therapy program at Glens Falls Hospital is just one example of how GFH cares for the whole person. Your gift today is deeply appreciated.



Fido. Buster. Buddy. Cooper. Whatever you call your four-legged friend, their name often brings comfort. Like a warm bowl of soup, or a soft blanket, our pets make us feel better simply by being there in our time of need. It’s no surprise this translates to the healthcare setting.

20% of U.S. adults report that the pandemic had a significant negative impact on their mental health, according to the National Alliance on Mental Health.

Mental health benefits of pet therapy affect patients and staff alike. After the hiatus of our volunteer program during the peak of the Covid 19 pandemic, revival and growth of the pet therapy program became a key organizational goal in 2023 to help create a more therapeutic environment for patients and boost morale among staff. Since that time, the program, which has grown to 17 handlers and 19 dogs, brings smiles to patients, families, and staff every day and in all corners of the hospital. Glens Falls Hospital is committed to offering comfort to our community in all ways we can including from our four-legged friends.

Meet Charlie and Erin, two of the newest members of our GFH volunteer team! Charlie is an 8-year-old Golden Retriever that became certified as a therapy dog through Therapy Dogs International. He loves to spread joy to staff and patients here at Glens Falls Hospital. Charlie is also an avid hiker, swimmer, snuggler, and treat connoisseur! His handler, Erin Glock, is a former social worker, who has always been inspired by giving back to her community through volunteerism.

Erin shares, “By being a Therapy Dog team, I can give back with my best friend on my own schedule. Charlie brings me so much joy and love, and if we can bring that to others, it’s a no-brainer. When Charlie and I started providing therapy dog visits at Glens Falls Hospital, we were asked if we wouldn’t mind visiting a young patient in a crisis/behavioral health room within the Sheridan Emergency Department. Being a former social worker to at-risk youth, I could tell the patient was having a difficult time emotionally. When the staff asked the young man if he liked dogs, he shook his head yes, so Charlie and I slowly walked into the room. Big, tearful eyes looked at Charlie, then me. I introduced us and asked if he’d like to give Charlie a pet. He said yes, then I suggested we sit down to be more comfortable. Once he and Charlie were situated, the calm petting continued, the young man immediately stopped crying and opened up. I truly believe this encounter was a pivotal point in his day. We spent a good amount of time getting to know him and to ensure he was calm. He stated his day was better already.

Before we leave each visit, we always give the patients (and staff) a ‘Charlie sticker’. This made his day even brighter. It was nice to see a smile on his face. I left there knowing Charlie and I found the right volunteer opportunity for us, making a difference in such a special way. It’s so important to give each patient the time they need with Charlie. Charlie can tell when someone needs a little extra love. If our presence makes them feel more comfortable, then we did our job.”

The pet therapy program at Glens Falls Hospital is just one example of how GFH cares for the whole person. Together our staff and volunteers care for friends and neighbors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year across 5 counties and in more than 6,000 square miles, with primary care, specialty care, emergency and urgent care, rehabilitation and wellness services. We take our role as the community’s safety net seriously, always prepared to provide the care you need when you need it most.

Your support of Glens Falls Hospital is deeply appreciated. On behalf of all Glens Falls Hospital employees, medical staff, and volunteers, thank you for partnering with us to ensure that our community has access to world class care close to home. Please join me in making a gift to Glens Falls Hospital today!

With gratitude,

Paul Scimeca
President and CEO
Glens Falls Hospital

Glens Falls Hospital

100 Park Street
Glens Falls, NY 12801

Phone: 518-926-1000