Glucose Tolerance Test

Method Name



Glucose Tolerance Test; GTT, Send Requisition To The Laboratory

Specimen Required

Depending on the length of the test, one gray top tube is drawn at the following intervals (for inpatients, please notify the Laboratory in advance of the collection times): n1 hour after beginning to drink the glucose solution n2 hours after beginn

Specimen Minimum Volume

1.0 mL of blood for each collection tube

Specimen Stability Information

Stable for 24 hours at room temperature.

Special Instructions

PRIOR TO THE TEST: n – The patient should have had 3 days of unrestricted diet and physical activity, and be fasting for 10 hours but no more than 16 hours prior to the test. n – The patient must not be on any intravenous solutions. n – A venous specimen should also be collected at the same time in a SST/corvac tube. Please call the one touch glucose level to the Chemistry department (x3806) and await the technologists instructions before administering the drink. n – The recommended dose of glucose solution (Trutol) is 75 grams for non-pregnant adults and 100 grams for pregnant females. If the patient weighs less than 100 pounds, give 1 oz of glucose solution for every 4.3 kg of body weight. n – The patient must drink the entire contents of the glucose solution within 5 minutes. nDURING THE TEST n – the patient must remain at rest in bed or in a chair n – the patient may drink small quantities of water n – the patient cannot smoke or chew gum n – the patient must not eat n – notify the Laboratory if the patient vomits, is unusually drowsy, or if there are any other unusual occurrences.

Performing Laboratory

As ordered. Turn around time is 4 hours.

Reference Values

See report